Attention, Personal Trainers, Strength Coaches, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Nutritionists Looking for Massive Clinical, Training and Business Breakthroughs...
Dr. Ken Kinakin Invites You To:
SWIS 2024 Summit
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Mississauga, Ontario, CanadaÂ
What Is The SWIS 2024 Summit?
This impactful 1 day experience hosts 4 concurrent presentation streams - Training, Nutrition, Treatment/Rehab, Panel/Just One thing, focused on raising the standard of health and fitness professionals by globally renowned experts enthusiastically sharing new and effective protocols and proven methods.Â
This will be 80% experiential/workshop style and 20% lecture. The days of sitting in a room watching a presenter talk about his/her powerpoint slides ARE DONE...that is a Youtube video. So my goal, and presenters goal is "Learn By Doing" ... NOT learn by hearing and watching... you can stay home and watch Youtube for that. This is the future of summits and conferences... plus alot of other social and networking activities that have never been done before...so this will be one of the most impactful summits of your life that you can start using this on Monday morning.
SO, DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS INCREDIBLE HIGH ENERGY SUMMIT, focused on innovative techniques and forward-thinking methods. GROW YOUR CLIENT BASE with highly effective best practices founded on individual expertise and combined years of proven success.
SWIS 2024 Summit Is For
Fitness Professionals
- Personal Trainers
- Strength Coaches
- Powerlifters
- Bodybuilders
- Crossfitters
- Recreational Weight Trainers
- Â Gym Owner
SWIS 2024 Summit Is For
Health Professionals
- Chiropractors
- Physical Therapists
- Medical Doctors
- Osteopaths
- Athletic Trainers
- Nutritionists
- Massage Therapists
- Kinesiologists

Powerlifting Masterclass
Small Group Format to Review Your Technique and Watch Coaching Styles

Movement Prep Masterclass
Small Group Format to Teach you Activation Drills to Prepare you for your Training
Frequently Asked Questions
Hello SWIS 2024 Attendees
I am really excited about seeing everyone at this incredible summit.
Here are some of the details you want to know
Registration – This is where you will get your name badge and certificates and bag.
Friday – 7:00 -10:00 pm – best option since Saturday morning will be very busy.
Saturday – 7:00 -8:30 am
Sessions start at 8:30
Athletic gear… workout clothes and shoes. You are going to be doing activities
No high heel shoes or dress clothing, wear that after the summit for dinner and drinks in the restaurant and bar.
Signing up for sessions.
There is only two sessions you need to line up for. There is no presigning up.
The Powerlifting Masterclass at 8:30-9:30 and 10:00 -11:00 am
It will be first come first serve… we can only take 30 people in each session. So we will be able to handle 60 people in total.
If you want to be sure to get in either of the sessions show up early…like 8:00 am in front of the training room doors....doors will open at 8:10 and you will get a ticket and folder.
The second session you will need to line up for is the Movement Prep Masterclass at 2:00-3:00 pm.. after lunch… we will be only be able to take in around 50 people.
Two restricted sessions
Chiropractic Masterclass… you either need to be a health professional or student of chiropractic. No personal trainers or strength coaches.
The second restricted class is the Women Weight Training Panel for Women Only since they are going to be collectively discussing women issues and solutions.
All other sessions are open and you can leave one session and go into another session.
The rooms can hold 175 people each and we have 4 rooms so there is lots of room for everyone.
The sessions will be recorded and VIP will get a copy and they will be available to purchase afterwards.
SWIS 2024 Summit Presenters